Student Solution


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Week 5 Topic 10 Assignment 1

Week 5 Topic 10  Assignment 1

Q Week 5. Direct, Online & Social Media Marketing Chapter 17 Chapter Preview: In this chapter, we examine direct marketing, and its fastest growing form: online, social media and mobile marketing. Takeaways: Define direct marketing and discuss their benefits to customers and companies. Discuss how companies use social media and mobile marketing to engage consumers and create brand community. Read in the Textbook: Chapter 17. Direct, Online & Social Media Marketing. Assignment: One (1) page: Mobile marketing can be confusing for a small business owner. What are some advantages, disadvantages and examples of how small businesses are using mobile marketing? Assignment: One (1) page: How do you feel about mobile devices tracking users as they navigate the store aisles? Assignments Due: Tuesday, 3/28 @11:59pm. Assignments will not be accepted after due date.

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Mobile marketing refers to the practice of promoting products or services through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. For small business owners, mobile marketing can be a valuable tool for reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness (Leppäniemi). However, there are certain advantages and drawbacks to this. The advantages are that it has a wide reach as most people carry mobiles with them at all times. This makes mobile marketing an effective way to reach a large audience quickly and easily.